Welcome, Colorado
State Government Travelers
We already have your per diem rates loaded. Search for a hotel near where you’re headed.
Count on Choice Hotels when it’s time to travel on official business. With 11 brands and access to nearly 1,700 hotels at your per diem rate, we’re never far from where you need to be. Plus, WiFi and breakfast are included at most locations—helping your per diem go even further.
Give Your Business Trip a Boost
We believe travel for work should be rewarding—literally. The Choice Privileges® rewards program is the faster way to free nights, instant rewards, dream getaways and more! And you’ll start to feel the benefit right from your first stay.
Plus, as a Choice Privileges member, you’re eligible for an instant benefit* every time you check in for a stay that includes a Sunday-Thursday night. To access all your benefits, add the Colorado State Government Special Rate ID 820070 to your online member profile:
My Account > Update Profile > Company Information
Then choose a Your Extras preference to let us know which instant benefit you want to receive upon check-in. Choose from perks like an instant coffee card, Amazon.com credit, Uber trip discount and more!
My Account > Update Profile > Your Extras Preferences
Not a Choice Privileges member?
Join free today!
*Some benefit options such as the Amazon credit, coffee gift card and Fuel Rewards savings, are not available at all Choice Hotels locations.